Anderson’s Lodge

Anderson’s Lodge

We know the combination of a lot of little things adds up to one BIG thing – customer satisfaction!  The most important reason to come to Anderson’s Lodge is the people – the single most important asset of any operation! We are a dedicated team that believe the key to success is doing ordinary things extraordinarily well and our focus is on you and your successful fishing vacation.

We care and we are committed to providing you with a quality Canadian fishing vacation unlike any other.  We always have the best interest of our guests and their expectations in mind when it comes to quality, professionalism and service that have built our reputation as a premier Canadian fishing resort.

Whether you are someone that has fished with us in the past, or you got our name from a magazine or the Internet, picked up a Brochure or heard about us through a neighbour or co-worker, the burning question in your mind will be why should I fish with Anderson’s Lodge in 2021 – for a return visit or for the first time?

Our previous guests know the numerous reasons, and that’s why they return year after year without even considering staying anywhere else! For those of you who have never been on a Canadian fishing trip, how are you to know where to stay? What is the best way to decide? Lots of people sit at home with a pile of Brochures from different fishing resorts or spend hours on-line and wrestle with that exact question. Naturally, everyone wants to make the right choice and have the best fishing vacation their money can buy.

Over the past couple of years, volatility in the world money markets have affected the way we live our daily lives and ultimately may have changed how “some” shop for an Ontario fishing vacation. A few may be driven to shop based on price looking for the cheapest possible way to go. But is cheapest the way to go? We really don’t think so – cheapest is usually never the best bargain. In fact it may be no bargain at all. Don’t waste your money! For over forty years we have built our reputation based on offering quality fishing vacations at prices known to be the best value for money in the business. Are they the cheapest? No and probably never will be. We care too much to compromise the quality fishing vacation packages we provide for you.

This website will give you specific details about each and every element of your fishing trip with us – it’s what we promise, it’s what we guarantee! While some things do change over the years, it is always in the best interest of our guests and their expectations of quality, professionalism and service that have built our reputation as one of Canada’s Premier fishing resorts.

We invite you to compare us to any other trip you are planning. Carefully consider every detail point by point and don’t be fooled by fancy wordings or pictures that really don’t show the whole story. A great website or brochure will answer most of your questions and have plenty of pictures clearly depicting the 1st Class Ontario fishing lodge that you are expecting.

Even after going through a website or brochure, you may still have a few unanswered questions. Prepare a full list and then call and talk to the resorts you are most interested in. They should be happy to help you and it’s a good way to check their willingness, knowledge and sincerity. Make sure the answers are clear and direct. Don’t accept roundabout or awkward answers. There should be no hesitation at any time and particularly if the response isn’t professional and friendly on the phone (regardless of the time of day), it’s probably a sign of worse things to come when you get there. If they don’t have a toll free number or if you have trouble reaching them during normal hours, you may wonder what kind of “Ma & Pa” operation they’re running and really how interested are they in customer service?

This website will lead you through all of the features of Anderson’s Lodge, our services and facilities and a complete description of the packages we offer. Many components go together to make a successful Canadian fishing vacation before you even wet a line! You can see how important we feel it is to pay close attention to all of those details. We know the combination of a lot of little things adds up to one BIG thing – customer satisfaction!

Anderson’s Lodge remains committed to and will remain competitive in the fishing vacation packages that we offer. Our goal has always been to work harder and smarter, paying attention to what is best for our guests. Quality accommodations, custom-built quality equipment, professional staff, the most flexibility when it comes to choices of lakes, species to fish for, choices in the meal times and choices from a menu – just ask our guests (see our guest testimonials page). We define the “Wow” factor in a fishing vacation.

We charge in Canadian dollars and pay our American guests a fair rate of exchange on their dollar – something we have done for over 40 years! If you are comparing package pricing, pay close attention to the fact that many of our competitors have their rates in U.S. currency, effectively pocketing the high exchange rate rather than passing it on to the customer where it belongs! So, are they taking care of you or themselves? We illustrate our package rates in Canadian dollars and show the approximate cost in U.S. funds based on a stronger exchange rate. But guess what? For our American guests, the U.S. dollar has regained strength and we anticipate it holding its’ strength, continuing to pay a fair rate of exchange, giving you added value for your dollar.

Unlike many lodges, we do accept cheques – both personal and company, travelers cheques, cash and credit cards – Visa, Master Card and Discover. These choices ensure complete flexibility and convenience to our guests, allowing them to pay in whichever currency and by whatever means they choose. Do other camps offer you choices? We think not!

It’s no secret that we are in times of change – change these days means increased costs of insurance and hydro, rising gasoline prices, rising food costs and a marketplace trying to position itself in a global economy. Despite these changes, Anderson’s Lodge continues to work hard for our guests and as usual, providing first class fishing vacations prices without question – the best value for your money in the industry!

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