Swarkestone Syndicate

Swarkestone Syndicate

Swarkestone gravel pit, situated not far from the A50 just south of Derby, set in stunning countryside this 79 acre lake is renowned for producing big fish.
Due to the size and low stock this lake has never been an easy nut to crack.
So what do we know about the stock, well we have been made aware of over 100 captures so far this year plus those that have not told us.
This is far more than we ever imagined would be caught.
The biggest fish so far this year has been the long mirror at 33lb+, there have been rumours of bigger but cannot confirm these as we have seen no evidence to support.
The long mirror has been caught at over 39lb in previous years so this fish at the right time of year could be very big.
We know that there are some big fish yet to be caught and you only need to speak to people who have fished the lake in the past or speak to existing members who will all tell you what has been seen or what they believe to be lurking in the depths.

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