5 Lakes each offering a different challenge for rainbow and brown trout amongst the serenity of Maran Lakes.
Maran Lakes, also known as Marston Wyse Trout farm is a great place to 'get away from it all,' and fish within a quiet corner of North Yorkshire's rolling countryside.
Although next-door to an envelope factory, the trout farm is secluded and out of the way of the hustle and bustle of everyday life.
The farm can be reached by driving down the track and parking in the car park. On entering the farm through the lodge you will find five lakes on which you can fish. Throughout the whole year hours can be enjoyed fishing for Rainbow and Brown Trout amongst the serenity of Maran Lakes.
Paying for your day’s fishing is very straightforward. The fishing lodge/hut has a list of tariffs and you simply sign the book with how much you’re paying then put the money in an envelope and post it.
One fisherman who has visited the farm on many occasions says: "The stretch of bank a few yards along from the reeds seems to always hold fish and in winter a sinking line with a Cat’s Whisker or Fritz pattern will almost certainly get you some action. Whilst you’re here, the area just to the left of the island is also worth trying the same tactic on."
There is also on site mixed course fishing in separate ponds. This is available at a low price of £3 per day. Species include Rudd, Carp, Perch, Gudgeon and Trout.